Winsor & Newton Artists Oil Colour 37ml
£10.35 – £27.95
Winsor & Newton Artists’ Oil Colour is unmatched for its purity, quality and reliability.
Artists’ Oil Colours provide the widest range of colours, the highest pigment strength and the best clarity of colour. The range consists of 124 colours, offering the widest spectrum of all the Winsor & Newton oil ranges. All 124 colours in the range are individually formulated to enhance each pigment’s natural characteristics and ensure the stability of individual colours. Combined with over 185 years of manufacturing and quality control expertise, the formulation of Artists’ Oil Colour ensures the best raw materials are made into the World’s Finest Colours.
– 74 single pigment colours in the range
– Excellent tinting strength and coverage
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Weight | 0.076 kg |
Dimensions | 0.107 × 0.039 × 0.025 m |
Colour | Alizarin Crimson 004, Bismuth Yellow 025, Blue Black 034, Bright Red 042, Brown Madder 056, Bronze 058, Brown Ochre 059, Brown Madder Alizarin 063, Burnt Sienna 074, Burnt Umber 076, Cadmium Green Pale 084, Cadmium Lemon 086, Cadmium Orange 089, Cadmium Red 094, Cadmium Red Deep 097, Cadmium Scarlet 106, Cadmium Yellow 108, Cadmium Yellow Deep 111, Cadmium Yellow Pale 118, Cerulean Blue 137, Charcoal Grey 142, Chome Green Deep Hue 147, Chrome Yellow Hue 149, Cobalt Blue 178, Cobalt Blue Deep 180, Cobalt Chromite Green 183, Cobalt Green 184, Cobalt Turquoise 190, Cobalt Turquoise Light 191, Cobalt Violet 192, Copper 214, Davy's Grey 217, Flake White Hue 242, Flesh Tint 257, French Ultramarine 263, Gold 283, Gold Ochre 285, Green Gold 294, Indian Red 317, Indian Yellow 319, Indian Yellow Deep 320, Indanthrene Blue 321, Indigo 322, Iridescent White 330, Ivory Black 331, Jaune Brilliant 333, Lamp Black 337, Lemon Yellow Hue 347, Light Red 362, Manganese Blue Hue 379, Magenta 380, Mars Black 386, Mars Violet Deep 395, Mauve (Blue Shade) 400, Naples Yellow 422, Naples Yellow Deep 425, Naples Yellow Light 426, Olive Green 447, Oxide of Chromium 459, Payne's Grey 465, Permanent Alizarin Crimson 468, Permanent Carmine 479, Permanent Green 481, Permanent Green Deep 482, Permanent Green Light 483, Permanent Magenta 489, Permanent Mauve 491, Permanent Rose 502, Permanent Sap Green 503, Perylene Black 505, Pewter 511, Phthalo Turquoise 526, Prussian Blue 538, Prussian Green 540, Purple Madder 543, Purple Lake 544, Quinacridone Magenta 545, Purple Madder Alizarin 546, Quinacridone Red 548, Raw Sienna 552, Raw Umber 554, Raw Umber Light 557, Raw Umber Green Shade 558, Renaissance Gold 573, Rose Doré 576, Rose Madder Genuine 587, Sap Green 599, Scarlet Lake 603, Silver 617, Terra Rosa 635, Terre Verte 637, Titanium White 644, Transparent Gold Ochre 646, Transparent Red Ochre 647, Transparent Brown Oxide 648, Transparent Yellow 653, Transparent White 655, Transparent Maroon 657, Ultramarine Green Shade 667, Ultramarine Violet 672, Underpainting White 674, Vandyke Brown 676, Venetian Red 678, Viridian 692, Winsor Blue (Red Shade) 706, Winsor Blue (Green Shade) 707, Winsor Emerald 708, Winsor Green 720, Winsor Green (Yellow Shade) 721, Winsor Lemon 722, Winsor Orange 724, Winsor Red Deep 725, Winsor Red 726, Winsor Yellow 730, Winsor Yellow Deep 731, Winsor Violet (Dioxazine) 733, Yellow Ochre 744, Yellow Ochre Light 745, Yellow Ochre Pale 746, Zinc White 748, Winsor Red 725, Winsor Red Deep 726, Vermilion Hue 683 (Discontinued), Cadmium-Free Yellow 890, Cadmium-Free Yellow Deep 891, Cadmium-Free Red Deep 895, Cadmium-Free Green Pale 897, Cadmium-Free Lemon 898, Cadmium-Free Orange 899, Cadmium-Free Red 901, Cadmium-Free Scarlet 903, Cadmium-Free Yellow Pale 907, Viridian Hue 696 Series 2 |
Series | 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 |